Trustless TEEs Today: ZTEE Ledger, Masking and Quorum Rotation

I’ve been thinking about how we can deploy a safe, zero-trust and upgradeable TEE setup in the short-medium term. Reason being that there’s a lot of super interesting use cases to be run already that would benefit from a trustless tee setup (e.g financial, policy based agents, privacy, etc).

In this writeup I propose two things:

  • the ZTEE ledger: a decentralized store that tracks history and ownership of the chips to guard against trojans, core idea is similar to Quintus’ decentralized attestation services idea.
    • NB: a subset of this section (on the very bottom of the post) is dedicated to explaining why an FBAS works best in this scenario but it’s not necessarily required to understand the overall idea.
  • how to combine the ZTEE with redundancy techniques like secret masking and quorum rotation to guards against physical attacks.

As highlighted above, the design I’m proposing is meant to be easily upgradeable and integrated along with new techniques that are being researched regarding non-destructive testing, trojan resistant circuitry, non-tamperable key generation and storage, etc.

The ZTEE Ledger


The supply chain is one of the discussed problems when talking about trustless TEEs, in fact the manufacturer itself can only trust their specification and the testing phase:

As a result, we focus on what’s at our reach as non manufacturers: the testing phase. Thanks to recent research towards non-destructive testing, chips can be tested and subsequently used and sold to perform trusted computations. There also is some promising research towards trojan-resistant circuitry (Private Circuits III: Hardware Trojan-Resilience via Testing Amplification proposes a generic IC compiler that turns circuits into trusted master circuit and untrusted non-connected sub-circuits and xor the results to aid trojan detection within the manufacturing, I discuss this a bit more in the original post draft).

The point is that there’s research towards non-destructive testing or open and tamper resistant manufacturing and independently of how it evolves and what becomes the standard, I think we need (think because I’m not fully sure, looking forward hearing suggestions or criticisms towards this idea) a mechanism to track chips and keep each party involved with their security to be also cryptographically accountable for their safety as well as allow everyone to be able to deterministically categorize a chip as verified or not, hence the ZTEE ledger proposal.


I propose a sketch of a framework to deal with the above and later mix the masking techniques (which I believe to be the most effective way to counter and discourage hardware attacks in general) along with said framework to prove that we can achieve sufficiently trustable TEEs today in an easily upgradeable setup that can be easily adapted as newer detection technologies emerge (both in verification and manufacturing).

The framework consists of 4 non exclusive actors:

  • operators.
  • chip proposers.
  • chip verifiers.
  • chip buyers.

The operators are reputable entities (orgs or community members) operate a ledger that tracks the ownership and verifiability and rely on a secure consensus mechanism to ensure the ledger changes safely. We could either inherit the security from an existing layer (e.g Ethereum L1, etc) or setup our own network. The latter option might actually be quite promising considering the characteristics we’re looking for regarding efficiency and consensus. More about this is discussed towards the end of the post.

How does the ZTEE Ledger Work?

Independently of the underlying consensus we choose for the decentralized store, the idea is to have operators define their own quorum clusters. I recommend reading the FBAS section to understand quorum slices, trust intersections and why are important.

Such quorum slices effectively define the level of trust among the involved parties, which can be inherited by the functionality itself. At a high level, this is the basic workflow I thought of:

  1. Proposers $P_{1, 2}$ trust other operators $O_{2, 3, 6}$ which happen to be verifiers $V_{1, 2}$ and an external observer (could be a trusted community member or organization). NB: Trusted Operators will also trust other participants, this is ignored in this example for simplicity.
  2. $P_2$ proposes a new chip $C_n$ (and trusts quorum/underlying consensus to validate or confute this operation).
  3. Chain randomly assigns $C_n$ to be verified among one of the verifiers that are in $P_2$'s quorum (Note, it’s not necessarily strictly the verifiers that $P_2$ explicitly trusts due to transitive trust connections), let’s say $V_1$. At this point a dispute between $C_n$ and the $V_1$ is started, and the two parties bring comms off-chain
  4. When $P_2$ and $V_1$ are done (best case scenario, $V_1$ has been able to test and verify $C_n$) the dispute is completed and the necessary reports are uploaded by both parties. If there have been any complications in the middle, $P_2$ and $V_1$ can close the dispute as incomplete each submitting a report as to their reasoning. Social consensus will then take the appropriate measures to warn either $P_2$ or $V_1$, downgrade them in the trust they’ve been assigned in the consensus, or even directly remove them from the quorum causing permanent and cryptographically verifiable reputation damages. NB: as with step 1 and 2, the quorum/consensus chooses to validate or confute these operations.
  5. Once there’s cryptographic proof that $V_1$ tested $C_n$ of $P_2$:
  • if the chip was verified, it’s set as pending. I also like the idea proposed in ZTEE: Trustless Supply Chains - Trustless TEEs - The Flashbots Collective to randomly take samples n times to reduce the probability of $P_2$ and $V_1$ being in cahoots to put an unsafe chip in the market (the probability is already quite low depending on the quorum size considering the introduced randomness).
  • if the chip was deemed unsafe by $V_1$, it’s doubtful that the dispute was completed as successful (we could merge this directly in step 3 actually), but in any case, $P_2$ can check and resubmit $C_n$ to be reviewed if they believe $V_1$ has made an error. Again, social consensus does its job here, if a proposer continuously confutes their quorum’s verification, they will be excluded or their relevance decreased (e.g low in the priority of proposers the verifiers have to verify).
  1. Similarly as in the original ztee gov design, buyers can express interest in buying a chip among the ones that are pending. This is randomized to protect the buyer’s users (also from the buyer itself). A new dispute is opened between the verifier(s) and the buyer.
  2. Once the buyer has received the freshly-reviewed chip from $V_1$, they can post the necessary proof to the ledger and the dispute is successfully closed. This emits cryptographic proof that $C_n$, verified by $V_1$ is owned by the buyer starting from t. Applications running on TEEs can later also rely on t for internal logic to prevent against physical attacks that might require several months if not years to complete (more on this later).

ZTEE + Masking

Since the “ZTEE ledger” offers a deterministic way of knowing that a certain chip was validated, we can embed this functionality within the code that is running within the TEEs. This is particularly useful if more than one chip is involved in our app. For example, a very robust design for a TEE app would be masking through secret sharing and/or requiring to rotate the quorum (and secret) after a certain expiration determined by reading the ZTEE ledger for the current chip.

Interacting with the ZTEE ledger would allow checking a point in time t until which the chip’s integrity can be trusted. Considering that attacks for trusted computing bases take several time and monetary resources, secret masking itself can be really effective, and becomes unbreakable (I believe) when paired with chip rotation since the new chips will also be freshly verified by the “ZTEE ledger”.

In this situation, if we go for a minimal FBA based blockchain, the simplicity and negligible (for how low they are) compute requirements of verifying and fetching the supply chain’s state becomes a fairly big advantage.

Secret masking + quorum (and secret) rotation with chips that can (semi-)deterministically be deemed as zero trust execution environments thanks to the ZTEE ledger (for tracking and verification) is a very resilient (and potentially robust) framework that I believe brings very high levels of security for all current use cases that we are looking forward to implementing with TEEs assuming the software is correctly written.

First Prototype: Centralized TEE MPC cluster

A feasible first prototype could be to have a centralized cluster of co-located TEEs that have all been verified by the ZTEE ledger that implements MPC for masking, quorum rotation and which allows developers to deploy TEE containers. This would:

  1. Lower the amount of overall chips verified by the ZTEE ledger. Chip verification takes time and is expensive (even if non destructive testing is promising also for this), sharing chips for different containers makes sense considering the first workloads will likely be very light (financial, agents, etc).
  2. Mitigate against physical attacks if quorum set is transitioned (those chips can later always be re-used/re-verified) since there wouldn’t be the time and it’d be really expensive to compromise all the chips masking the secret (approx 1M per chip it seems). I think masking also gives us much more chip verified expiration if we rotate quorums wisely.
  3. Physically co-located rig of chips would make MPC feasible efficiency-wise as RTT would be very low (microseconds?). This is the main reason why I’m thinking about MPC.
  4. Make up for an incredibly robust and safe infrastructure to deploy the TEEs to, deployers could also specify the redundancy required. I think that even just a single TEE that gets rotated say every 10 months or more would suffice in safety for most use cases.

Main questions here are:

  • Is the cost-to-attack lower if the chips are co-located?
  • How big is the RTT reduction by having the cluster centralized (my guess is from tens of milliseconds to microseconds?)
  • How to best implement quorum rotation? I think we can extend the chips’ lifetime with random rotation almost linearly with the number of chips in the rig, there probably is a number of chips N at which the attacker has probability on their side so we might want to enforce a more drastic change of the view set.
  • Who control the rig? Why would they spend money to set this up? How do they make money?
  • Not really a question, but the centralization of the chips makes it much easier to shut down multiple applications at once, apps should have an escape hatch on-chain to reset user state (there’s a few ways to do this).

Some notes


There’s probably a lot to discuss and lots of consensus mechanisms to inherit from to deal with adding randomness to the protocol. This is needed if we implement random sampling and for random chip-buyer assignation. The very same source could also be pulled directly within TEE apps (or not) to deal with quorum rotation if there are idle workers rotating vs just adding new ones.

Quorum Participation

  • proposers are not necessarily manufacturers, even though having manufacturers themselves as proposers would be good as the latter likely have much more reputation (particularly, bigger consequences) to loose.
  • node operators that are not chip proposers, verifiers or buyers don’t actively participate in the framework but are rather important to helping shape the quorum slices if they are respected companies or community members.
  • buyers can choose from which quorum to buy the chips from. The bigger and the more trusted the quorums are, the more buyers will be looking forward to buy from that quorum, increasing profitability for both verifiers and proposers.
  • there can be multiple independent quorums, which ones to trust is on the buyer and on the TEE applications (if they hold logic that deals with the ZTEE ledger).

On monetary incentives and payments

  • Since we talk about accountability, the trickiest part here is make sure the incentives are set up correctly. There’s still open questions about that. I personally am against participants posting monetary collateral since imo the best design is based off of programmable social consensus, monetary collateral would either need to be prohibitively high and actually less safe. This still means that buyers being ok with paying more for verified chips is going to happen, I just don’t think we should be placing collateral as an on-chain requirement, rather only keep the business between the interested parties. E.g proposer tells verifier they will pay $A for the service upon proposing, and if the verifier encounters any issues with the proposer not paying or whatever they can deal with it like all business currently do + if either party does not behave correctly their reputation is slashed by social consensus. idk if that makes sense.
  • the protocol doesn’t care that any value transfers occurred among the parties, that part is completely off-chain and the protocol is agnostic to it it just cares that both parties resolved or not, if not the quorum will do its job. We could however keep some on-chain information regarding the agreements (e.g for pre-agreeing on proposed prices).

Setting up the ZTEE Ledger, FBAS and Trust Clusters

Here I expand more about implementing a secure FBAS (Federated Byzantine Agreement System) for this purpose below, talking about trust slices, programmable social consensus, efficiency, and more.

Below are some points as to why we might want to consider operating our own chain.


These nodes could be insanely cheap and easy to run given the simplicity of the messages and state, and participating entities are not obliged to necessarily deal with cryptocurrencies. This becomes a significant advantage if the TEE needs to obtain data from the chain by running a light client (this one would be really light).


This allows all parties involved in the ownership of the chip (proposers, verifiers, buyers) to be part of the security of the supply chain being tracked, whereas relying on another layer requires all parties to trust the underlying consensus without likely having a say in it due to the high requirements.

The counter-argument is of course that it likely is more feasible to attack such quorums as opposed to a sufficiently decentralized blockchain, even if the parties involved are not necessarily those upholding the decentralization.

Anyways, regardless of the underlying consensus, the end result would be to have a programmable social consensus layer among knowledgeable parties that place varying level of trust in the operators (including those involved in the chip’s ownership). That said, since we’re trusting a quorum of operators including verifiers and proposers, then we can also trust a set of node operated by them (i.e “our own chain”). As a last resort, we could also make TEE node execution a requirement (again the nodes would be really light).


The main idea of a FBAS is that each node defines its own quorum slices, being the set of nodes that they trust to reach consensus. Or better, the quorum slice is a subset of the quorum that convinces a particular node (the trustee) of agreement. A node being able to select their own quorum slice set is what differentiates FBA from other byzantine agreement protocols allowing quorums to emerge from local choices, meaning that each node can choose who they trust based on reputation or financial arrangements and the intersection will form the quorum, being the set of nodes sufficient to reach agreement.

For instance, let’s say we have nodes A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H with the following quorum slices:

Node A trusts: [A, E, D]
Node B trusts: [A, B, C, D]
Node C trusts: [A, C, B, E]
Node D trusts: [B, D]
Node E trusts: [A, E, C, B]
Node F trusts: [A, B, C, D, E, F]
Node G trusts: [F, G]
Node H trusts: [F, G, H]

If we do an intersection of trust, the resulting network looks like the following:

Note that:

  • The nodes in the quorum that decide the state of the ledger (top tier) is the one highlighted in light blue, i.e the result of the trust intersection of the nodes: $Q = {A, B, C, D, E}$. This is a classical PBFT system.
  • Even if a middle tier node like F does not actually have any say in finalizing consensus, it doesn’t mean they cannot participate in the network.
  • The transitive trust property is respected, e.g A does not directly trust C but are part of the same top tier quorum.

In the above situation, node F is the link between nodes H, G and the top tier nodes. If for some reason F stops trusting nodes A, B, C, D, E then this effectively splits the network and we now have a second group of nodes H, F, G that can finalize consensus among themselves since they’re not awaiting for the other nodes to sign off consensus anymore, as shown in the following image:

Whether to now trust HFG or ABCDE is up to social consensus, and we could theoretically see both being trusted by different kind of organizations and use cases.

How does this apply to chip verification?

Above I describe a mechanism to reach consensus, which in case the ztee ledger was based on an existing blockchain would not be needed. However, while describing the ztee ledger I mention that the functionality of the ledger (i.e chip verification) can inherit properties from the trust slices to basically decide how proposers, verifiers and buyers are matched. In my example, $P_2$ must declare a set of verifiers (directly or indirectly) that they trust, among which the chain will randomly sample one to verify $P_2$'s chip. Just like in the above quorum configuration F is not part of the top tier but can still participate in the network, new proposers that don’t have reputation can propose chips to verifiers that they have chosen to trust. Similarly, buyers need to declare (again, either directly or indirectly) which proposers and verifiers they trust.

Example 1

Imagine a quorum where A, B and C are verifiers (that trust each other) that proposers D and F trust. Buyers E and G respectively trust proposers D and F:

Both proposers D and F are free to participate and launch chip verification, and due buyer-chip randomization and due to how the quorum is configured:

  • G could get D’s chip even if D is not in their trust slice.
  • E could get F’s chip even if F is not in their trust slice.
    That’s because the verifiers in the top tier are the common denominator that ultimately decide how to assign chips.

This is the happy path.

Example 2

Imagine that verifiers B and C both stop trusting A without any apparent reason because they are in cahoots with proposer D which wants to have a chip with a trojan verified. This causes both buyers G and E to potentially buy chips that have 50% of probability of having a trojan since D’s chip would be maliciously verified (BC would be the only ones in top tier):

In the meantime, A revokes the trust they had for BC and has onboarded new reputable verifiers V1 and V2 and formed a new completely separate quorum that doesn’t require BC’s signature (NB: V1 and V2 don’t trust each other but the common denominator is that they trust A). Non-malicious proposer F can now revoke trust from BC too, causing buyer G to be safe in the new quorum, and all non-malicious buyers to migrate trust to the new quorum:

Note that in the new setup:

  • Verifiers BC have lost significant amounts of reputation (or more) for having explicitly plotted and tried gaining control of the quorum.
  • D can still propose new chips.

These examples are both oversimplifications but should make clear the reason why I think an FBAS works great for the ztee ledger:

  • Verifiers are the most important entities, and a minimum trust intersection between these is required (the common denominator could also be a reputable non-verifier organization or community member). We don’t want anyone to casually be able to become a verifier.
  • Buyers can choose which quorums to trust with their purchase, and verifiers (i.e top tier) are again the ones that need to sign off on the chip, regardless of whether the buyer directly trusts all verifiers or proposers. Users and apps running on TEEs can easily check which was the quorum that signed off on the chip’s validity.
  • Anyone can propose a new chip, this is not a membership only club.
  • The creation of multiple ztee ledgers is possible.
  • Proposers, buyers and verifiers do not need to review all of the entities they trust simplifying the “who-to-trust” decision, the end result is dynamic and depends on all of the nodes’ local choices. There is no central committee that decides which are and which aren’t the verifiers.

Some challenges are in deciding the thresholds for randomization. I assume the implementation will actually want proposing and buying to be split and not p2p initiated. This means that there probably needs to be a pool with at least n chips waiting to be proposed (or already verified?) before the buyers can purchase (or vice-versa i.e a set of buyers willing to buy before proposers can propose?). Another challenge is the high proposers-verifiers ratio that will pretty surely come up especially with proposers being free to propose without needing to be trusted. If we introduce random sampling, malicious partially anonymous (no proposer will in fact be anonymous since a lot of activity is off-chain) proposers could have a probability of getting a malicious chip on the ztee market. If we don’t introduce random sampling, wait queues for chips will be too long even if more verifiers get onboard due to the increased demand. We could find a middle-ground solution where random sampling is only enforced for trusted proposers that verifiers trust as they have good track record while new proposers have to wait longer and all their chips need testing. Proposers who are reputable entities will naturally be earning and proposing more due to shorter chip approval times, leaning towards an ideal setup that is however not permissioned.

Is this too convoluted to be practical? Also, note that this document was not reviewed and is written to incentivize a discussion around the topic, not to directly propose a standard ready to be implemented, so there might be logical errors too! Feel free to point any of those out or let me know if there’s anything missing. (I will be updating the document as new ideas emerge)


Super sick idea

Few notes:

  • I think proposers, verifiers, and buyers are likely all the same orgs, which is fine, but the quorum set does end up being a bit small initially

  • “expiration” of chips is an interesting problem to deal with - I think ideally what happens here is a buyer (IMO most buyers are “operators” who are selling TEEs as a service) has to send the chip to a different buyer, at which point tampering would be evident and ineffective

  • Cost to attack is definitely lower with co-location since the operator can attack all chips at once lowering time-to-corruptions

  • I actually think stake is fine as a security solution here in addition to trust. Since corruption attempts are likely probabilistic and take a while, getting slashed for failed verifications etc makes attacks very expensive. It’s probably more expensive to spin up a new reputation every time but permissionless participation is desirable

Agree with you that FBAS makes a lot of sense here and scaling this to a critical mass to make the randomization meaningful is probably the largest blocker (same with the ZTEE proposal)



I think proposers, verifiers, and buyers are likely all the same orgs, which is fine, but the quorum set does end up being a bit small initially

Could be but I don’t think it will necessarily be. Proposers can really be anyone that owns a TCB, verifiers can be various research institutions besides the orgs (think university labs). I’m pretty sure that we’ll at least initially see TEE as a service grow so the buyers will likely be orgs running the ztee ledger too (as you said). I still like to keep the distinction for the future as the tech becomes more popular, the goal is basically to help new organizations bootstrap their own trustless TEE environment without needing all of the equipment and hardware testing knowledge to be verifiers as well. But yeah, overall the quorum set would be pretty small initially, which is still fine due to how FBA works.

“expiration” of chips is an interesting problem to deal with - I think ideally what happens here is a buyer (IMO most buyers are “operators” who are selling TEEs as a service) has to send the chip to a different buyer, at which point tampering would be evident and ineffective

true. In general, the way I thought about chip expiration is not a physical expiration but rather a guarantee that you have a certain period of time after the chip is out of the hands of the trusted (in FBA terms) verifier where even if the buyer was malicious or attacked the chip cannot be compromised (due to the time it physically takes to perform physical attacks on the hardware). It’s probably too conservative to think about it this way but something that would be cool is to randomly rotate execution every time before “chip expiration” so you don’t have to mask execution across devices and still take advantage of masking (MPC/redundancy+thresholds/etc) security properties.

I actually think stake is fine as a security solution here in addition to trust. Since corruption attempts are likely probabilistic and take a while, getting slashed for failed verifications etc makes attacks very expensive. It’s probably more expensive to spin up a new reputation every time but permissionless participation is desirable

agreed. I think stake on the proposer’s end could be good since anyone can propose. I think it’s redundant for verifiers, those need to be part of the trusted quorum anyways and it’d be unwise to assign those based on stake imo.

On the topic of quorum size, I should probably do a bit more thinking about what actually changes between the ztee ledger and a classic FBAS. The core principle is the same, i.e if verifiers we trust say the chip is safe then we assume it’s safe and don’t look back, however the nature of the candidate values is different in that it’s non-deterministic and rather complex to assert. As you point out I think our ally here is randomization but there’s probably more thinking to be done on that end.

Thank you for this thorough post. Just last week I was thinking that this is an area we need to get a better understanding of.

A few thoughts/comments:

  • Am I right in saying that the question that you are ultimately answering with the FBA approach is how we onboard new verifiers?
  • You mention sampling chips that have already been verified. I wanted to add that my reasoning for this was not about reducing probabilities of successful attacks (although this is possible too), but moreso about providing a disincentive for verifiers to cheat in a rational model.
  • I wanted to weigh in on the economic incentives point. Like @markus I think its valuable to have some stake at risk. We can maybe back out what this number should be by working backwards from estimated cost of physical attack. That said, since universities are the most reasonable first verifiers, it may be hard to onboard verifiers like this for several years.
  • I’m not very familiar with FBA, but the idea that a malicious verifier or proposer can influence the network topology and consequently which chips are tested by which verifiers is a little scary to me. One assumption you make is that verifiers are not only assessing chips, but also assessing one another and deciding who to extend their approval to. I would want to speak to people at the labs who we expect to be doing this kind of work. Perhaps this is not a natural additional task for them and relying on economic or (other reputational) tests make more sense.
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Could be but I don’t think it will necessarily be. Proposers can really be anyone that owns a TCB, verifiers can be various research institutions besides the orgs (think university labs). I’m pretty sure that we’ll at least initially see TEE as a service grow so the buyers will likely be orgs running the ztee ledger too (as you said). I still like to keep the distinction for the future as the tech becomes more popular, the goal is basically to help new organizations bootstrap their own trustless TEE environment without needing all of the equipment and hardware testing knowledge to be verifiers as well. But yeah, overall the quorum set would
be pretty small initially, which is still fine due to how FBA works.

Yeah research labs is a good point - could see them participating. As for TCB I honestly doubt big orgs will participate in this for a while, it’s going to require startups buying a chip and proposing it before repurchasing it (or something along these lines) to bootstrap

Agree with everything else you mentioned

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  • Am I right in saying that the question that you are ultimately answering with the FBA approach is how we onboard new verifiers?

Yeah, FBA makes onboarding new participants (buyers and proposers not just verifiers) pretty trivial while keeping social consensus load low (Much lower than a POA system since it’s a lot more decentralized). It also provides pretty clean tools to effectively respond to poor performance rather than only having the binary tools that address really only malicious behavior since nodes can downgrade trust levels etc. Then it’s also really lightweight and cheap from a cost of capital perspective. @tdep may have more to add here

I’m not very familiar with FBA, but the idea that a malicious verifier or proposer can influence the network topology and consequently which chips are tested by which verifiers is a little scary to me

Theoretically FBA handles this fairly well since a buyer/proposer could “weight” their trust threshold to accept a verifiers commitment. So if say node A onboards 20 malicious nodes that don’t have additional trust intersections beyond the one with node A - node B (who presumably trusts node A) could still avoid interacting with a malicious node as long as they require more than 1 trust intersection with a “peer”. This makes it quite difficult to sybil the system. Additionally - such behavior by node A probably leads to them being downgraded by the peers currently trusting them. The SCP whitepaper explains this much better and is worth a read, it’s a very clean mechanism

I would want to speak to people at the labs who we expect to be doing this kind of work. Perhaps this is not a natural additional task for them and relying on economic or (other reputational) tests make more sense.

Yeah would be great to talk to these people about what their requirements are - I’d imagine that trust relationships are much more natural for a university than having them put up a stake (i’d figure this is a nonstarter) - but we should actually check that

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Am I right in saying that the question that you are ultimately answering with the FBA approach is how we onboard new verifiers?

I’m not very familiar with FBA, but the idea that a malicious verifier …

Responding to these two together. Yes, FBA here would be used as means to form trusted intersections emerging from all of the local trust choices of reputable organizations that participate in the ztee ledger, which effectively means that it’s needed to form a dynamic cluster of reputable verifiers. As Markus points out, it’s not only for verifiers, but when talking about chip verification (and not ledger state) verifiers are the sole crucial factor, thus intersections will naturally gravitate around verifier entities.

Regarding the topology of the network, @markus 's comment is spot on. A FBAS will handle takeovers pretty well over a deterministic network since each node can configure their trust dynamically. That means that they can both set up rules (e.g weighting) as to who should dominate the round deciding ledger state. This would work perfectly on the ZTEE ledger state, but there’s a few adaptations that we should make for what regards trusting verification. Generally, we have:

  1. State transition verification → every node needs to be able to check that the proposed state transition in the ledger is formally correct.
  2. Nomination → we determine the state function to apply starting from the node’s candidates.

For the ZTEE ledger, when talking about chip verification, we are only doing 2 (which is where trust configurations like weights matter) because we cannot really do 1. This is good however, since we had no intention of performing 1 (i.e we don’t want all network participants to have to verify the chips) and we only use 2 to determine which set of verifiers the proposer and buyer are trusting to validate the chip(s). Weighting is quite helpful to counter network takeovers by single malicious verifiers because in FBA by spec a node $n$ chooses candidates based off the proposers’ (n’) presence in the node’s quorum slices. Formally, the weight is calculated as: $weight(n, n’) = amount of slices in n’s trust configs that include n’ / number of slices in n’s trust configs$. In practice, each node can safeguard against agreeing with a “malicious” candidate by shaping a rational set of quorum slices.

To pick up on Markus’ example where node A becomes malicious and onboards 20 malicious verifiers, node B (that trusts A) can safeguard against one of the 20 malicious verifiers being chosen by shaping their quorum slices in a way that requires nodes to be trusted by both A and let’s say another node C:

Let $T_a$ be the nodes trusted by A and $T_c$ the nodes trusted by C, B can dynamically shape their quorum slices to trust $Q = {A, C, X}$ where $X$ belongs to $T_a \cap T_c$. Additionally, if they trust C more than A, they can shape multiple slices that grant C higher priority by placing it in more quorum slices.

(Not to mention the reputation damage that A would then receive resulting in being either removed by other nodes or assigned a low weight)

NB: FBA candidate nomination is actually very compatible with the ztee ledger layout’s data premises. We cannot have all verifiers verify a chip, but if our trust configuration tells us that a result is correct then we go with it. Obviously what would differ with the ztee ledger is that FBA nomination generally chooses among empirically correct txs.

Maybe I could draft up a reference impl to simulate various scenarios in the chip verification workflow to showcase how all the above applies practically. The only downside of FBA’s sophisticate trust configurations here is the risk of very small trust intersections as a result in the beginning.

You mention sampling chips that have already been verified. I wanted to add that my reasoning for this was not about reducing probabilities of successful attacks (although this is possible too), but moreso about providing a disincentive for verifiers to cheat in a rational model.

Yeah for sure, I think this fits in quite well as a way to keep a score of the verifiers’ reputation. It’s worth noting that the ZTEEs ledger downside of verification not being deterministic is actually an advantage when looking to verify verifier behavior, because the verifier’s chip report can be easily verified by another party, while in a standard FBAS all candidate sets are theoretically valid which means it’s more difficult to detect if a proposer has tried to conduct “malicious” behavior like e.g optimal tx ordering or censorship.

I wanted to weigh in on the economic incentives point…

I personally don’t think verifiers should put up collateral (I think this can actually incentivize malicious verifier behavior too) + as you and Markus mention this lowers the bar for reputable verifiers like universities that might not be allowed to put up large collateral sums. I think it might make sense for proposers to be required to place collateral (even though this could also be a footgun, need to think about it more).